I received this from a member of the Safer Neighbourhood Team. I think it’s really important. I know it’s for residents in Pinner but perhaps you can use this to get it introduced near you or help those over 75 that you know?
Dear Pinner South Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinators,
I hope you are well
Some good news. We have been allocated 25 Minder View Coms for the ward. These consist of a camera and small screen. Together, they allow you to view who is knocking on your door
This is useful, as we are encouraging people not to open the door to strangers without first verifying that they’re genuine. This is done through the microphone/speaker and asking for ID
If you are over 75 years of age or know someone who is we can get this fitted for you. The only proviso is that you have a wooden door.
It’s working on a first come first served basis
If you know someone on your watch who would be fit the bill, please send me the following information:
Address (including postcode)
Date of birth
Contact telephone number
Pinner Locks will then make an appointment to get the devices fitted
We look forward to hearing from you
Jonathan May PCSO 7590QA
Pinner South Safer Neighbourhood Team
Pinner Police Station
1 Waxwell Lane
t: 020 8733 (4)4813
e: Jonathan.May@met.police.uk