- A funny one. Kids drawings and a parent’s fear of how others may perceive them
- A series of posts showing Dr. Kradjian’s medical opinion about dairy products
- Academy Status – How, why and what does it mean for us?
- Advice from a paediatrician re milk, juice, fruit and veg.
- Be inspired by Severn Suzuki’s speaking at the Earth Summit representing the Environmental Children’s Organization
- Black.
- Children and ever changing technology
- Children exploring the idea of the Aatma
- Climate change: Empower children. After all, they will inherit the Earth after we are gone!
- Climate change: Let children cause a POSITIVE commotion
- Commit a crime, do the time and CONTINUE to pay the price!
- Compassion and citizenship
- Competition for young Jains – Art in Heaven
- Do you think whistle-blowers are responsible citizens or no good interfering individuals?
- Find out about the first Jain text book for children
- Get pregnant the ‘natural’ way, have IVF or is there another way?
- Get your free trial Family Railcard. Offer ends 23/4/08 at midnight.
- Gifting things to families in need
- Happy Mother’s Day
- Hayes Hawks BMX Club – free lessons. Gear is loaned for free.
- How can I save the Earth?
- How you can help children at school learn about how to teach or cook vegetarian meals
- I can be what I want to be by Nas
- If men are from Mars and women from Venus, parents are surely from Jupiter!
- If you are silent are you really staying out of it?
- Into the Hoods! In the theatre but not for long. Go and see it or you WILL miss out!
- KidsCall forum of the World Future Council is online. Check it out!
- Lack of male teachers in primary schools. Is it really important?
- Let’s unite to protect the children of our future. They need us now more than ever!
- Making plans. Is it pointless?
- Mothers to be. Present mothers. Daughters. Please read….
- Nobody sees me…
- Parents of ill vegan girl may face police
- Reading! Is it really important?
- Should you have to pay your way once you reach a certain age?
- Snow, getting to work and schools. A bit of a debate!
- Taare Zameen Par. Every child is special
- The best thing you can do for a child is encourage them to be independent.
- The Big Half: my first sponsored event since being in secondary school
- The rest of our lives
- The role of a father
- Tuition. Should you or shouldn’t you and if so, who with?
- What kids can teach us! 🙂
- What to do on September 25th 2008. Be the change….
- What your child needs in order to be school ready
- When fighting for your rights isn’t the best course of action
- When is it OK to remain with someone if you are unhappy?
- Why are other usually ‘quiet’ Unions speaking up against the planned, intentional, massacre of the education system?
- Why it might be a GOOD thing to speak ‘behind someone’s back
- Write to the world’s most important politicians!
- You should have a child because….
- A collection of articles exploring Jain rituals that are performed when someone dies
- A guided walking tour about street art
- A Sad Truth by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- Am I a man? Am I a woman? Should there be any confusion?
- Are you grateful?
- Commit a crime, do the time and CONTINUE to pay the price!
- Do we work as hard as our elders?
- Do you know your neighbours? What are the benefits of saying hello?
- Ever wondered what eating mindfully means? Here’s my take on it!
- Everything is disposable
- Find out how looking someone in the eye can prevent you hurting them
- Finding and keeping a life partner
- How do YOU use Facebook or what do you think it’s set up for?
- I want to be in your shoes!
- Is it always a good move to prevent the crash that’s ‘about to’ happen?
- Is There A Case For More Asian Elderly Homes?
- Man’s relationship with the world
- Mothers to be. Present mothers. Daughters. Please read….
- My wedding day. Did it all go to plan in the end?
- My wedding day. Why there were less than 15 guests in total.
- Names. Surnames. Identities. Marriage. What do you think of it all?
- Once…
- Raksha, protection, charms, hamsa, hand of Miriam, hand of Fatima. What’s it all about?
- Satan’s plan. Has it worked?
- Seema views on racism, homophobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia
- Senior vs. youth
- Should the age of consent be increased?
- SHOULD we create more homes for the elderly
- Should you have to pay your way once you reach a certain age?
- Should you use fireworks?
- Sponge off the government, earn your income or something else?
- The connection between COVID-19 and farm animals
- The desert, the sand and the thirst within.
- The financial crisis and the consequences of it.
- The fruits of gossip.
- The most important jobs in society. Is there such a thing?
- The rest of our lives
- Volunteers help drivers in need!
- Warren Buffet on advice for 2009
- What life was like when my father passed away
- What to do when someone passes away in the Navnat community
- Why do people cheat or have multiple affairs?
- Why do you bully me?
- Why it might be a GOOD thing to speak ‘behind someone’s back
- A list of places where Vegans can eat – recommended by others
- A series of posts showing Dr. Kradjian’s medical opinion about dairy products
- Advice from a paediatrician re milk, juice, fruit and veg.
- All beef AND pork gelatin used at Kellogg is certified Kosher. Are you happy to consume that?
- American cows are no longer vegetarian cows. They are cannibals!
- Another reason to go vegan – farming affects climate change
- Are pizzas without cheese always vegan?
- Are Wrigley products vegan, vegetarian or neither?
- Are you consuming juices that have been clarified using gelatine
- Are you or do you want to become Jain or vegan?
- Butter vs Margarine
- Butter vs. margarine. What should we use?
- Can Ahimsa milk ever be completely free of violence?
- Can cats and dogs really be veggie or vegan? Should we change their diet?
- Can you eat out and get vegan lassis, tea, ice cream and more?
- Can you get Jain meals on flights?
- Cheese has morphine in it which hooks us in, keeping us addicted to it!
- Do you know which vegetables, are in season and when?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. A summary of his findings.
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Does milk cause anaemia and occult intestinal bleeding in infants?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is all milk the same?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is cow’s milk pure?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is human milk pure?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is it really good for us?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is low fat milk OK?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is there a link between cancer and milk?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is there a link between diabetes and milk?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is there a link between Leukaemmia and milk?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. The benefits of human milk vs cow’s milk based on scientific studies.
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. The link between BIV, BSE and milk explained.
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. The link between race and lactose intolerance explained
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. What are the benefits of drinking milk? Is it a deterrent to good bone health?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Who should we believe? Is milk good for us or not?
- Eggs! Why don’t some vegetarians & vegans eat them?
- Event – Festival of Life Celebrating Organic Live/Raw Vegan Food and Holistic Lifestyles
- Event – London Vegan Festival
- Event – Open day at Hugletts Wood Farm
- Event ~ London Vegans talk ~ ‘Beyond Veganism’ by Paul Gravett
- Ever wondered what eating mindfully means? Here’s my take on it!
- Everything you need to know about Rickets. What it is, symptoms and cause.
- Fruitarianism. What is it and is it a good thing?
- Help yourself by carrying sachets of non dairy whitener for coffee
- How do you know if white sugar has been MADE white with animal bones?
- How is pet food, the meat industry and grain from Third World countries that’s used to feed livestock connected?
- How to Win an Argument with a Meat-Eater
- How you can help children at school learn about how to teach or cook vegetarian meals
- India – Meat is substituted for dairy. Is it less cruel?
- Innocent Drinks have gone veggie. Do we want them provide vegan products too?
- Is it veggie, vegan or eggy?
- Is organic food suitable for vegans?
- Is Oyster sauce vegetarian?
- Is the vitamin B12 really important?
- My cat – How the change from meat to vegan diet went.
- NHS look at their menu options to become more green!
- Oyster sauce. Is it vegetarian or not?
- Parents of ill vegan girl may face police
- PETA video exposing maltreatment of cows in India. Do you still want to consume dairy produce?
- Read this if you THINK you’re vegetarian or Jain or both….
- Should diary cows have less animal rights than other animals?
- Should restaurants that serve out of season fruit and vegetables be fined for not sourcing their own home-grown ingredients?
- Size does NOT matter!
- The connection between COVID-19 and farm animals
- The London Vegan Festival for children, adults, vegans and non-vegans!
- Time to stop milking it
- Vegan relationship survey
- Vegetarianism discussed in numerous scriptures
- Vegetarianism in Hinduism
- Weight gain halted by vitamins
- What can Vegans buy from Thorntons?
- What I sent to a few restaurants to see if they have a vegan friendly menu
- What’s the big deal about the treatment of cows? Why become vegan?
- What’s the link between Nestlé, pet food, the environment and breast milk substitutes ?
- Why do we need to eat less or no meat?
- Why I’d recommend Cafe Leo in Grantham
- Academy Status – How, why and what does it mean for us?
- Academy Status and School Improvement
- Am I a man? Am I a woman? Should there be any confusion?
- Apps and accounts: my recommendations for making life smoother
- Are you part of a union? Should you partake in strikes?
- Because you’re a teacher…
- Black.
- Children and ever changing technology
- Compassion and citizenship
- Consonants in Gujarati
- Debit cards and credit cards. What’s the difference?
- Definitions of different types of learning, emotional and physical conditions.
- Did the British abolish the slave trade in 1807 or 1888? Find out more…
- Do you know which vegetables, are in season and when?
- Do you think whistle-blowers are responsible citizens or no good interfering individuals?
- Donald Watson – the founder and patron of The Vegan Society
- Event – Who was Imhotep? How much does modern science owe to him?
- Event on 10th March when Cupcake Brown will be reading from, and signing, her best-selling book ‘A Piece of Cake’
- Event on 15th March. The Fela Kuti story (Music is a Weapon)
- Find out about the first Jain text book for children
- Go for it! Have sex whenever you want to
- Gold by Spandau Ballet used to succinctly, sarcastically but more importantly, truthfully explain what’s happening in Education.
- Goodbye Uncle Tom (18 certificate) – viewing on Saturday 19 April 1pm-5.30pm
- Gujarati vowels
- How to avoid being the victim of a phishing scam
- How to position your hands when using a keyboard
- How to Win an Argument with a Meat-Eater
- How you can help children at school learn about how to teach or cook vegetarian meals
- I can be what I want to be by Nas
- Is it OK for a teacher to be a member of the BNP?
- Is Nigeria really only about corruption, mismanagement, fraud & war. Broaden your view…
- Is sprayed soya better than dairy milk? Which has a higher level of pesticides?
- Is teaching still a career for life?
- Knowing which cash machines charge and how to avoid them!
- Lack of male teachers in primary schools. Is it really important?
- Learn Gujarati on line and more….
- Learning to cycle as an adult. You can do it too!
- Let’s unite to protect the children of our future. They need us now more than ever!
- Marching to make a difference! Will you be counted? Will you make yourself heard?
- Numbers from 0 – 9 in Gujarati
- Palitana Donkey Relief Project
- Perceptions – are they ‘planted’ or formed after experiences?
- Performance linked pay in education
- Personal loans. What do you need to know?
- Reading! Is it really important?
- School places crisis
- Sexual health – cervical screening
- Should all children be taught by QUALIFIED teachers?
- Special characters in Gujarati
- Student finance. What do you need to consider?
- Taare Zameen Par. Every child is special
- Teachers should and do know everything
- Teachers work short days and are always on holiday! What do they do during those breaks?
- The best thing you can do for a child is encourage them to be independent.
- The Big Half: my first sponsored event since being in secondary school
- The financial crisis and the consequences of it.
- The most important jobs in society. Is there such a thing?
- The teacher becomes a student! Will she experience empathy or judgement?
- Tuition. Should you or shouldn’t you and if so, who with?
- Want to know how to make a really long website address (URL) really short?
- Warren Buffet on advice for 2009
- What does fiscal year end mean?
- What I learned about campaigning when we shared leaflets last week
- What is an overdraft?
- What is internet banking, why should you use it and what you need to be wary of!
- What it really means for a school to become an academy!
- What to do on September 25th 2008. Be the change….
- What your child needs in order to be school ready
- Why are other usually ‘quiet’ Unions speaking up against the planned, intentional, massacre of the education system?
- Why are teachers more willing to strike now than ever before?
- Why do teachers complain when they only work from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and have lots of holidays!
- Why it might be a GOOD thing to speak ‘behind someone’s back
- Young and serious mentoring programme. Needed three 17 – 21 year olds.
- ‘Cycling for Charity’ in India from 22 December to 1 January
- An event all about spirituality – ladies only
- An exhibition expressing some personal stories of Black people who were involved in the First and Second World Wars.
- Can you create a low carbon lifestyle?
- Climate change march and cycle protest on 8th December 2007
- Did the British abolish the slave trade in 1807 or 1888? Find out more…
- Event – As Far as the Eye can See…
- Event – Black Victims of the Nazis
- Event – Debate about Forget Globalisation
- Event – Debate about the world food crisis
- Event – English Pratikraman on Saturday August 30th
- Event – Exhibition in Harrow showing how Asian, Black and Jewish people are connected.
- Event – Festival of Life Celebrating Organic Live/Raw Vegan Food and Holistic Lifestyles
- Event – Food for a post-carbon future
- Event – London Vegan Festival
- Event – National Anti Fur March and Rally
- Event – Pratikraman in English
- Event – Preserving food
- Event – Raga weekly evening class with Rajeswar
- Event – Relax your mind. Relieve your daily stresses, fatigue and pressures
- Event – Shrinking Habitats, Species Survival.
- Event – Spitalfields Show & Green Fair
- Event – The Urban Green Fair
- Event – Walk & Explore London
- Event – were all those who fought for Britain welcomed back?
- Event – White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
- Event – Who was Imhotep? How much does modern science owe to him?
- Event – Young Jains and Shri Chandana Vidyapeeth explain why Jains celebrate Diwali.
- Event ~ Faith in the planet
- Event ~ London Vegans talk ~ ‘Beyond Veganism’ by Paul Gravett
- Event – Food versus Fuel
- Event dedicated to International Women’s Day 2009 – The Art of Leadership – The Feminine Way
- Event on 10th March when Cupcake Brown will be reading from, and signing, her best-selling book ‘A Piece of Cake’
- Event on 15th March. The Fela Kuti story (Music is a Weapon)
- Events – Lectures and Pratikramans during Paryushana
- Events – Paryushan at Navnat Centre
- Events – Paryushan with Mahavir Founation
- Find out how the Gandhi Foundation is commemorating the 60th anniversary of Gandhiji’s untimely demise
- Goodbye Uncle Tom (18 certificate) – viewing on Saturday 19 April 1pm-5.30pm
- How you can help children at school learn about how to teach or cook vegetarian meals
- Is Nigeria really only about corruption, mismanagement, fraud & war. Broaden your view…
- Ladies pampering/indulgence morning on Wednesday 21st May (10.30-1.30pm) in aid of Cancer Research UK.
- National Bike Week – Harrow’s first Mass Bike Ride
- Not Another Drop Brent Community Group’s 5th Annual Peace March on Saturday 20th September.
- Perceptions – are they ‘planted’ or formed after experiences?
- Prince Charles to launch Jainpedia
- Singles events organised for those interested in spirituality
- The Climate Change Fair on Saturday 23 August 2008 in Pinner Memorial Park, Harrow
- The Cuming Museum hosts an exhibition which explores the contributions made by Black Londoners during WWII.
- The London Vegan Festival for children, adults, vegans and non-vegans!
- The Secrets That Lie Beneath a Man’s Soul – event by Tiemo Entertainments
- The Unwinking Gaze ~ launched on the 29th March.
- Want to learn laughter yoga once a month in Harrow? Then read on….
- All about asbestos
- An alternative to sanitary towels and tampons that are environmentally friendly.
- An easy guide to recycling in Harrow
- Another reason to go vegan – farming affects climate change
- Be inspired by Severn Suzuki’s speaking at the Earth Summit representing the Environmental Children’s Organization
- Bread, being green and make your OWN
- Can you create a low carbon lifestyle?
- Can you encourage your council to be greener?
- Can you refill Ecover products and be even more green?
- Climate change: Empower children. After all, they will inherit the Earth after we are gone!
- Climate change: Let children cause a POSITIVE commotion
- Collecting compost at school – from Harrow Council
- Compassion and citizenship
- Cremation is bad for the environment
- Do you feel strongly about the use of plastic bags? Vote on it!
- Do you know which vegetables, are in season and when?
- Does the cost of electricity for leaving a PC on amount to the same as lighting one lightbulb? No!
- Donating clothes that you no longer wear
- Economy 7 tariff, timers, spending less and sleeping well…
- Environmentally friendly search engine – Blackle
- Event – Debate about the world food crisis
- Event – Food for a post-carbon future
- Event – Spitalfields Show & Green Fair
- Event – The Urban Green Fair
- Event ~ Faith in the planet
- Ever heard of London Bio Packaging?
- Everything is disposable
- Find out where to buy an energy saving lightbulb for 1p
- Fireworks. “Wow” or “Oh no”?
- Fireworks. Should we or shouldn’t we? If not, why not?
- Freecycle is AMAZING! Give away things you no longer need without leaving your home & receive items for free.
- Fruitarianism. What is it and is it a good thing?
- How can I save the Earth?
- How can you make your car more eco friendly without incurring costs.
- How is pet food, the meat industry and grain from Third World countries that’s used to feed livestock connected?
- How to clear a property, effortlessly, within 30 minutes
- How to get the best out of your houseplant
- How to improve battery life on an Android phone
- How to make holidays greener, more sustainable and better for the locals
- How to save energy when using the internet.
- How you can help the Mayhew Animal Home with used ink cartridges and unwanted mobile phones!
- If your PC packs up is it better to replace it or go for a laptop?
- Is it OK to switch energy saving lightbulbs on and off?
- Is organic food suitable for vegans?
- KidsCall forum of the World Future Council is online. Check it out!
- Make your home heatproof – DIY
- National Bike Week – Harrow’s first Mass Bike Ride
- New exotic fruit to hit UK shops
- NHS look at their menu options to become more green!
- No lie! Charcoal really does make water taste better!
- Protect & save the heat in your home by making a few changes to your boiler and central heating
- Recycling – should anyone be exempt from doing it?
- Reviews of everything from singing teachers, tailors, plumbers, builders, electricians, removal companies and more
- Save time, money and the environment with a free home assessment paid for by Harrow Council
- Should restaurants that serve out of season fruit and vegetables be fined for not sourcing their own home-grown ingredients?
- Should you use fireworks?
- Simple energy saving tips from the Energy Saving Trust
- Sunday. Should it be the day of rest?
- The Climate Change Fair on Saturday 23 August 2008 in Pinner Memorial Park, Harrow
- Unwanted food is utilised in landfills is a fallacy. Here’s how you can save money AND the planet.
- Using cling film! Is it a good resource or are there better ones?
- What to do on September 25th 2008. Be the change….
- What’s the link between Nestlé, pet food, the environment and breast milk substitutes ?
- Why is Good Energy really the greenest supplier?
- Why should you use ‘greener’ products? What are the benefits?
- Why you should not fill the kettle when only making a drink for one!
- World Environment Day
- Write to the world’s most important politicians!
- “They’re MY germs so I’ll be OK”
- A series of posts showing Dr. Kradjian’s medical opinion about dairy products
- Advice from a paediatrician re milk, juice, fruit and veg.
- American cows are no longer vegetarian cows. They are cannibals!
- An alternative to sanitary towels and tampons that are environmentally friendly.
- Appreciating the Samaritans
- Are pizzas without cheese always vegan?
- Are there links between Soya and Breast cancer?
- Are you a carer? Do you need a Carers Emergency Support Service (CESS) card?
- Are you Asian? Can you become a bone marrow donor
- Are you or do you want to become Jain or vegan?
- Back pain – what to do
- Butter vs Margarine
- Butter vs. margarine. What should we use?
- Changes in fees for work done by a dentist
- Coconut oil is SHOWN to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Contacting Northwick Park Hospital made easy. Can you use this to help you?
- Definitions of different types of learning, emotional and physical conditions.
- Do joss/incense sticks produce something similar to ‘cigarette fumes’?
- Do you have mould in your home?
- Do you know which vegetables, are in season and when?
- Do you want others having access to YOUR medical records?
- Do you want others to have access to your medical records?
- Do you want to opt out from having your GP data uploaded to the spine?
- Does the contraceptive pill increase the risk of getting cervical cancer?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. A summary of his findings.
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Does milk cause anaemia and occult intestinal bleeding in infants?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is all milk the same?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is cow’s milk pure?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is human milk pure?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is it really good for us?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is low fat milk OK?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is there a link between cancer and milk?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is there a link between diabetes and milk?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Is there a link between Leukaemmia and milk?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. The benefits of human milk vs cow’s milk based on scientific studies.
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. The link between BIV, BSE and milk explained.
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. The link between race and lactose intolerance explained
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. What are the benefits of drinking milk? Is it a deterrent to good bone health?
- Dr. Kradjian writes to his patients about milk. Who should we believe? Is milk good for us or not?
- Event ~ London Vegans talk ~ ‘Beyond Veganism’ by Paul Gravett
- Ever wondered what eating mindfully means? Here’s my take on it!
- Everything you need to know about Rickets. What it is, symptoms and cause.
- Find out what had to happen before they gave us permission to return home
- Find out what happened after I experienced the sudden onset of a disability
- Finding a care home
- Finding a live-in carer
- Glaucoma – some facts
- Go for it! Have sex whenever you want to
- Got something to say about a hospital you attend? Here’s how to do it!
- Hats off to carers
- Have you received an email about how to stay healthier? Wanna check if it’s true?
- How a message in a bottle can save a life
- How did supporting Roger affect me?
- How to get a firefighter to pay you a home visit. Get a home fire safety check for free!
- How to position your hands when using a keyboard
- How to Win an Argument with a Meat-Eater
- How you can help children at school learn about how to teach or cook vegetarian meals
- Information to help those with allergies
- Is sea salt better for us than table salt?
- Is the vitamin B12 really important?
- Ladies pampering/indulgence morning on Wednesday 21st May (10.30-1.30pm) in aid of Cancer Research UK.
- Learning to cycle as an adult. You can do it too!
- Living with Long COVID
- Lockdown, guidelines, masks and so on…
- Long COVID is finally lifting!
- Making plans. Is it pointless?
- National Bike Week – Harrow’s first Mass Bike Ride
- New exotic fruit to hit UK shops
- No lie! Charcoal really does make water taste better!
- Parents of ill vegan girl may face police
- Pittsburgh Cancer Center Warns of Risk From Cell Phone Use
- Red Bull – associated dangers.
- Reviews of everything from singing teachers, tailors, plumbers, builders, electricians, removal companies and more
- Settling into the care home
- Sexual health – cervical screening
- Should abortions remain legal at 24 weeks or should it be lowered?
- Should diary cows have less animal rights than other animals?
- Should restaurants that serve out of season fruit and vegetables be fined for not sourcing their own home-grown ingredients?
- Storing Menstrual Blood: does it bring peace of mind or breed fear?
- Surviving COVID and the after-effects
- The connection between COVID-19 and farm animals
- The fruits of gossip.
- The London Vegan Festival for children, adults, vegans and non-vegans!
- The most important jobs in society. Is there such a thing?
- The rest of our lives
- Things to look out for when getting a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Time to stop milking it
- Wanna buy a juicer and don’t know how to choose the best one?
- Want to learn laughter yoga once a month in Harrow? Then read on….
- Weight gain halted by vitamins
- What can Vegans buy from Thorntons?
- What links milk and osteoporosis? What do scientists have to say about it?
- What to expect from your dentist before you are treated
- What’s the big deal about the treatment of cows? Why become vegan?
- When Roger was diagnosed with PSP
- Why do we need to eat less or no meat?
- Why does the government want to add genetic profiles to the national DNA criminal database?
- Why it might be a GOOD thing to speak ‘behind someone’s back
- Why we dropped everything and rushed to India
- 2 for 1 at Wagamama
- A check list for when you’re going away locally for a couple of nights.
- A check list to help you when you’re going abroad
- A list of places where Vegans can eat – recommended by others
- A rough guide to eating out for vegans and vegetarians
- ‘Cycling for Charity’ in India from 22 December to 1 January
- An alternative to sanitary towels and tampons that are environmentally friendly.
- An entry that you must have on your mobile. ICE – In Case of Emergency
- Apps and accounts: my recommendations for making life smoother
- Are pizzas without cheese always vegan?
- Are you a carer? Do you need a Carers Emergency Support Service (CESS) card?
- Are you going away to attend a function where you’ll be wearing ‘Indian’ clothes?
- But 2 mains and get 1 free sharer at Gourmet Burger Kitchen
- Butter vs Margarine
- Butter vs. margarine. What should we use?
- Buy 5 classic cookies and get 5 free at Millie’s Cookies.
- Buy one main course and Gourmet Burger Kitchen will buy the other
- Buying and selling property! What to look out for when dealing with estate agents.
- Can you be bothered?
- Can you eat out and get vegan lassis, tea, ice cream and more?
- Can you get a free TV license?
- Can you live with knowing that you increased someone’s outgoings so you could bin something for free?
- Changes in fees for work done by a dentist
- Changes to Visa conditions for all non EU citizens visiting the UK
- Cheese has morphine in it which hooks us in, keeping us addicted to it!
- Compassion and citizenship
- Consonants in Gujarati
- Council concedes defeat. Southall Black Sisters win!
- Countering alloy wheel theft in Pinner, Harrow.
- Cremation is bad for the environment
- Debit cards and credit cards. What’s the difference?
- Delays on the underground? Going to miss a train? Don’t worry. There’s a solution.
- Digital speed camera on M25 Junctions 10-15 are going live on 15th Feb 2008
- Do joss/incense sticks produce something similar to ‘cigarette fumes’?
- Do you feel strongly about the use of plastic bags? Vote on it!
- Do you find that checking email is a chore? Want to use it positively again? Read more here…
- Do you have excess cables and don’t know what to do with them? Here’s an idea…
- Do you have mould in your home?
- Do you have problems with your post? If so, send an email and it’ll be sorted…
- Do you know someone who needs to nominate a neighbour to help protect them?
- Do you know which vegetables, are in season and when?
- Do you want others having access to YOUR medical records?
- Do you want others to have access to your medical records?
- Do you want to opt out from having your GP data uploaded to the spine?
- Do you want to reduce your junk mail? All you have to do is opt out of the electoral register
- Do’s and don’ts for when you are away
- Donating clothes that you no longer wear
- Effortlessly buying and selling cars
- Ever heard of London Bio Packaging?
- Everything you need to know about Rickets. What it is, symptoms and cause.
- Fed up of hearing negative depressing news?
- Find out about the first Jain text book for children
- Find out where to buy an energy saving lightbulb for 1p
- Free directory enquiries launched
- Freecycle is AMAZING! Give away things you no longer need without leaving your home & receive items for free.
- Get half price bus fares
- Get your free trial Family Railcard. Offer ends 23/4/08 at midnight.
- Giving to charities on line. What to be aware of….
- Glaucoma – some facts
- Harrow Councils No Excuses Grant – to help residents improve the energy efficiency of their home
- Have you ever heard of vegetarian or vegan shoes?
- Have you received an email about how to stay healthier? Wanna check if it’s true?
- Help yourself by carrying sachets of non dairy whitener for coffee
- Hoaxes. How YOU can check if they’re true or an urban myth BEFORE circulating it
- How a message in a bottle can save a life
- How can I save the Earth?
- How can you make your car more eco friendly without incurring costs.
- How do you know if white sugar has been MADE white with animal bones?
- How to avoid being the victim of a phishing scam
- How to create a visual, clear family tree that other members of your family can add to
- How to forward emails without annoying others or invading the privacy of others
- How to get a firefighter to pay you a home visit. Get a home fire safety check for free!
- How to get around safely and pay less
- How to get the best out of your houseplant
- How to improve battery life on an Android phone
- How to make holidays greener, more sustainable and better for the locals
- How to make sure you don’t lose out if you lose your Oyster card.
- How to position your hands when using a keyboard
- How you can help children at school learn about how to teach or cook vegetarian meals
- How you can report, view, or discuss local problems without being on hold, getting cut off, being passed on, transferred etc.
- How you can stop unwanted emails
- If you are between 16 – 25 years old travel for less
- Implications for British citizens holding overseas citizen of India, whilst in India.
- Indian visa applications and their delivery has been outsourced to VF Services UK Ltd
- Information to help those with allergies
- Is it too loud for you on the bus or tube? Here’s what you can do.
- Is Oyster sauce vegetarian?
- Is sprayed soya better than dairy milk? Which has a higher level of pesticides?
- Is the vitamin B12 really important?
- It’s all about cheese cheese and more cheese.
- Knowing when to call 999, your local police station or your Safer Neighbourhoods Team
- Knowing which cash machines charge and how to avoid them!
- Ladies pampering/indulgence morning on Wednesday 21st May (10.30-1.30pm) in aid of Cancer Research UK.
- Learning to cycle as an adult. You can do it too!
- Make your home heatproof – DIY
- Might thinking about death (before it happens) be helpful?
- More about Carphone….
- New exotic fruit to hit UK shops
- Numbers from 0 – 9 in Gujarati
- Oyster sauce. Is it vegetarian or not?
- Parents of ill vegan girl may face police
- Personal loans. What do you need to know?
- Price fixing
- Protect & save the heat in your home by making a few changes to your boiler and central heating
- Reading! Is it really important?
- Reviews of everything from singing teachers, tailors, plumbers, builders, electricians, removal companies and more
- Save money and avoid ringing 0870, 0844, 0808, 0845 numbers
- Schedule an event with ease using doodle
- Sexual health – cervical screening
- Shopping List to help you if you are following a vegan diet
- Should we shop at Tesco? Do they treat their suppliers ethically?
- Simple energy saving tips from the Energy Saving Trust
- Special characters in Gujarati
- Student finance. What do you need to consider?
- Tapas – eat as much as you like for a tenner at La Tasca
- The connection between COVID-19 and farm animals
- The credit crunch
- The difficulties I faced when buying and selling a car
- The freedom pass. Can YOU get one?
- The Thomas Coram Research Unit is researching info about people who came from the Caribbean to rejoin their parents in the UK as children.
- The Young Professional Network?
- Things that came up once I began to create my family tree with Geni.com
- Things to do before you go travelling.
- Things to look out for when getting a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Tips for when you go travelling
- To Gift Aid or not to Gift Aid!
- Top Tips for cheaper Home and Contents Insurance
- Using cling film! Is it a good resource or are there better ones?
- Using information supplied by YOUR Safer Neighbourhood team to make things easier for YOU
- Vegetarian cheese can never truly be vegetarian
- Violence is OK
- Vlogs of reviews of vegan products and interviews with vegan businesses
- Wanna buy a juicer and don’t know how to choose the best one?
- Want to learn laughter yoga once a month in Harrow? Then read on….
- What can Vegans buy from Thorntons?
- What does fiscal year end mean?
- What is an overdraft?
- What is internet banking, why should you use it and what you need to be wary of!
- What to do when someone passes away in the Navnat community
- What to expect from your dentist before you are treated
- What to take with you when you go travelling
- What’s all this fuss about Twitter?
- What’s the link between Nestlé, pet food, the environment and breast milk substitutes ?
- Whether do you get your information and knowledge from? Do you know?
- Why having an estimated bill for your gas and electricity could leave you in debt!
- Why you should not fill the kettle when only making a drink for one!
- Your chance to identify issues of local concern
- Answers to questions asked to the Harrow Council’s Cabinet on June 10th.
- Are you a carer? Do you need a Carers Emergency Support Service (CESS) card?
- Burglaries in Harrow – message from Harrow police
- Can you be bothered?
- Can you encourage your council to be greener?
- Can you live with knowing that you increased someone’s outgoings so you could bin something for free?
- Collecting compost at school – from Harrow Council
- Countering alloy wheel theft in Pinner, Harrow.
- Declutter – reduce, re-use and recycle
- Discover Harrow’s historic past at Harrow Museum!
- Do you know someone who needs to nominate a neighbour to help protect them?
- Do you know your neighbours? What are the benefits of saying hello?
- Do you think whistle-blowers are responsible citizens or no good interfering individuals?
- Do you want to prevent the closure of Byron Hall in Harrow Leisure Centre?
- Event – Pinner police station opens its doors to the public on Saturday 6th September 2008
- Ex-local/council flats are the best!
- For leaseholders in Harrow
- Gifting things to families in need
- Harrow and Barnet – London Campaign for Better Transport (formerly called Transport 2000). Support or oppose?
- Harrow Councils No Excuses Grant – to help residents improve the energy efficiency of their home
- How a message in a bottle can save a life
- How to clear a property, effortlessly, within 30 minutes
- How you can help Leicester City Council erect a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Leicester.
- How you can report, view, or discuss local problems without being on hold, getting cut off, being passed on, transferred etc.
- Keep Britain Tidy, Royal Mail and rubber bands! Find out what they have in common
- Knowing when to call 999, your local police station or your Safer Neighbourhoods Team
- Learning to cycle as an adult. You can do it too!
- Message from Harrow crime prevention
- National Bike Week – Harrow’s first Mass Bike Ride
- Nobody sees me…
- Not Another Drop Brent Community Group’s 5th Annual Peace March on Saturday 20th September.
- Phones and cars
- Praising members of staff made easy!
- Question time for Harrow council on June 10th at Nower Hill High School in Pinner at 7pm.
- Save time, money and the environment with a free home assessment paid for by Harrow Council
- Shannon Rowbury on how London did during the Olympics! 🙂
- Sunday. Should it be the day of rest?
- The Climate Change Fair on Saturday 23 August 2008 in Pinner Memorial Park, Harrow
- Using information supplied by YOUR Safer Neighbourhood team to make things easier for YOU
- What I learned about campaigning when we shared leaflets last week
- What is the Safer Neighbourhood team? What do they do?
- What it really means for a school to become an academy!
- Why joining Harrow Community Gospel Choir has been so so good for me!
- Your chance to identify issues of local concern
- 2 for 1 at Wagamama
- An alternative to sanitary towels and tampons that are environmentally friendly.
- But 2 mains and get 1 free sharer at Gourmet Burger Kitchen
- Buy 5 classic cookies and get 5 free at Millie’s Cookies.
- Buy one main course and Gourmet Burger Kitchen will buy the other
- Buying and selling property! What to look out for when dealing with estate agents.
- Can you encourage your council to be greener?
- Can you get a free TV license?
- Can you live with knowing that you increased someone’s outgoings so you could bin something for free?
- Can you refill Ecover products and be even more green?
- Debit cards and credit cards. What’s the difference?
- Delays on the underground? Going to miss a train? Don’t worry. There’s a solution.
- Do you feel strongly about the use of plastic bags? Vote on it!
- Do you want to feel freed? Gain freedom through paying your bills!
- Does the cost of electricity for leaving a PC on amount to the same as lighting one lightbulb? No!
- Donating clothes that you no longer wear
- Economy 7 tariff, timers, spending less and sleeping well…
- Effortlessly buying and selling cars
- Find out where to buy an energy saving lightbulb for 1p
- Free directory enquiries launched
- Freecycle is AMAZING! Give away things you no longer need without leaving your home & receive items for free.
- Get half price bus fares
- Get your free trial Family Railcard. Offer ends 23/4/08 at midnight.
- Getting our bathroom refurbished: the lessons and the successes
- Giving to charities on line. What to be aware of….
- Harrow Councils No Excuses Grant – to help residents improve the energy efficiency of their home
- How can you make your car more eco friendly without incurring costs.
- How to avoid being the victim of a phishing scam
- How to clear a property, effortlessly, within 30 minutes
- How to get a firefighter to pay you a home visit. Get a home fire safety check for free!
- How to get around safely and pay less
- How to make sure you don’t lose out if you lose your Oyster card.
- How to save energy when using the internet.
- If you are between 16 – 25 years old travel for less
- If you like throwing money away stop reading now!
- If your PC packs up is it better to replace it or go for a laptop?
- Is it OK to switch energy saving lightbulbs on and off?
- Knowing which cash machines charge and how to avoid them!
- Make your home heatproof – DIY
- Personal loans. What do you need to know?
- Pizza Express 2 for 1 offer.
- Pizza Express voucher. Get 2 pizzas for the price of 1
- Protect & save the heat in your home by making a few changes to your boiler and central heating
- Reel Estates are fabulous! Let me tell you why…
- Save money and avoid ringing 0870, 0844, 0808, 0845 numbers
- Save time, money and the environment with a free home assessment paid for by Harrow Council
- Selling a property is easy. Agents want their commission and try their best to make a sale!
- Simple energy saving tips from the Energy Saving Trust
- Student finance. What do you need to consider?
- Tapas – eat as much as you like for a tenner at La Tasca
- The difficulties I faced when buying and selling a car
- The freedom pass. Can YOU get one?
- Things to look out for when getting a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Top Tips for cheaper Home and Contents Insurance
- Tuition. Should you or shouldn’t you and if so, who with?
- Unwanted food is utilised in landfills is a fallacy. Here’s how you can save money AND the planet.
- Using cling film! Is it a good resource or are there better ones?
- Wanna buy a juicer and don’t know how to choose the best one?
- What does fiscal year end mean?
- What is an overdraft?
- What is internet banking, why should you use it and what you need to be wary of!
- Why having an estimated bill for your gas and electricity could leave you in debt!
- Why should you use ‘greener’ products? What are the benefits?
- Why you should not fill the kettle when only making a drink for one!
- A feeling of loss after attending a concert that I was really looking forward to!
- Apps and accounts: my recommendations for making life smoother
- Biggie’s new home…
- Burglary, vandalism or something else?
- Dangerous: when we’re SURE we have all the facts
- Death – I’m always amazed about how powerful the mind can be!
- Death…one day life changes
- Dinesh carried out the work on our home. I’d recommend him to anyone!
- Do we work as hard as our elders?
- Donating books
- Donating items, such as, clothes and jewellery that you already have to those who are less fortunate
- Embracing the grey
- Estate agents. Who to have faith in. Who to trust. Our story! Part 1…
- Estate agents. Who to have faith in. Who to trust. Our story! Part 2…
- Estate agents. Who to have faith in. Who to trust. Our story! Part 3…
- Ex-local/council flats are the best!
- Expectations. Is it worth having any?
- Find out how looking someone in the eye can prevent you hurting them
- Find out what happened after I experienced the sudden onset of a disability
- Find out what I loved about visiting Our Lady of the Rosary in Fuerteventura, Spain
- Find out what I realised when I had to ‘eat my own words’
- Protected: Finding the home which we’ve now moved in to.
- For sale: Suzuki Swift GL, 57 plate, 1.3, 3 door, < 11k miles, 1 owner (female)
- Get pregnant the ‘natural’ way, have IVF or is there another way?
- Getting our bathroom refurbished: the lessons and the successes
- Giving and receiving. Should we stop it all?
- Hats off to carers
- How being ‘alone’ has helped me
- How to choose a charity to donate to that fits in with your values
- How we went from adding extra units to getting most of the kitchen refurbished
- I spent just over 2 months in an Ashram in India and I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done!
- Immigrants and asylum seekers are causing so many problems. We need to get them out
- Is me forgiving someone dependent on them going through a crisis?
- Is what you’ve been through a reminder of suffering or triumph?
- Living with Long COVID
- Lockdown, guidelines, masks and so on…
- Long COVID is finally lifting!
- Marriage! You must forget everything you’ve learned and conform to ‘our’ way!
- My craving for spirituality and how my friend Ashik has helped me achieve it
- My trip to Sayla in India
- My wedding day. Did it all go to plan in the end?
- My wedding day. Why there were less than 15 guests in total.
- Names. Surnames. Identities. Marriage. What do you think of it all?
- Oshwal vs. Navnat
- Our honeymoon in St. Lucia
- Protected: Purchasing the house we’re living in now.
- Raksha, protection, charms, hamsa, hand of Miriam, hand of Fatima. What’s it all about?
- Re-homing my gorgeous cat
- Reel Estates are fabulous! Let me tell you why…
- Reviews of everything from singing teachers, tailors, plumbers, builders, electricians, removal companies and more
- Round 2 – the gains from staying in Sayla for 5 weeks
- Selling a property is easy. Agents want their commission and try their best to make a sale!
- Should we bother maintaining all relationships?
- Spiritual learnings realised because of the coronavirus
- Surviving COVID and the after-effects
- Teachers should and do know everything
- The BNP are right! We’ll be fine once the immigrants are sent back!
- The reception for my wedding
- The work that needed doing in our home
- What life was like when my father passed away
- Whose views are more important? Those who are with us or those who have died?
- Why are teachers more willing to strike now than ever before?
- Why do we need to make an appointment to meet our friends and family?
- Why joining Harrow Community Gospel Choir has been so so good for me!
- 100 BMOL an end to the discrimination of members of the black community in the national dna database.
- A guided walking tour about street art
- Academy Status – How, why and what does it mean for us?
- Answers to questions asked to the Harrow Council’s Cabinet on June 10th.
- Are you part of a union? Should you partake in strikes?
- Barack Obama – celebrations and realism
- Bread, being green and make your OWN
- Can you be bothered?
- Can you encourage your council to be greener?
- Changes to Visa conditions for all non EU citizens visiting the UK
- Cheese has morphine in it which hooks us in, keeping us addicted to it!
- Climate change march and cycle protest on 8th December 2007
- Climate change: Empower children. After all, they will inherit the Earth after we are gone!
- Climate change: Let children cause a POSITIVE commotion
- Council concedes defeat. Southall Black Sisters win!
- Did the British abolish the slave trade in 1807 or 1888? Find out more…
- Do you want others having access to YOUR medical records?
- Do you want others to have access to your medical records?
- Do you want to opt out from having your GP data uploaded to the spine?
- Do you want to prevent the closure of Byron Hall in Harrow Leisure Centre?
- Do you want to reduce your junk mail? All you have to do is opt out of the electoral register
- Event on 15th March. The Fela Kuti story (Music is a Weapon)
- Fed up of hearing negative depressing news?
- Find out how the Gandhi Foundation is commemorating the 60th anniversary of Gandhiji’s untimely demise
- Former CEO Citibank Phillip Wollen speaks about how things to reflect on and ways to progress.
- Go for it! Have sex whenever you want to
- Gold by Spandau Ballet used to succinctly, sarcastically but more importantly, truthfully explain what’s happening in Education.
- Goodbye Uncle Tom (18 certificate) – viewing on Saturday 19 April 1pm-5.30pm
- How can I save the Earth?
- How you can help Leicester City Council erect a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Leicester.
- Is it OK for a teacher to be a member of the BNP?
- Is Nigeria really only about corruption, mismanagement, fraud & war. Broaden your view…
- Let’s unite to protect the children of our future. They need us now more than ever!
- Marching to make a difference! Will you be counted? Will you make yourself heard?
- Once…
- Our reaction to ISIS
- Over 5 farms that are run by members of cooperative societies in Gujarat are investigated!
- Perceptions – are they ‘planted’ or formed after experiences?
- Question time for Harrow council on June 10th at Nower Hill High School in Pinner at 7pm.
- Rang de Basanti
- Reading! Is it really important?
- Right vs. wrong
- See beyond the label!
- Sexy Superbowl Advert is Banned
- Should abortions remain legal at 24 weeks or should it be lowered?
- Speak up. Be assertive. Why? When it is you that is targeted, there will nobody left to help!
- Sponge off the government, earn your income or something else?
- The Common Agricultural Policy means vegetarians pay CAP at the same rate as omnivores!
- The Thomas Coram Research Unit is researching info about people who came from the Caribbean to rejoin their parents in the UK as children.
- The Unwinking Gaze ~ launched on the 29th March.
- UNISON members strike for fair pay on 16th and 17th July 2008
- What it really means for a school to become an academy!
- What should we do when a privilege is viewed as a right without any attached expectations?
- Why are other usually ‘quiet’ Unions speaking up against the planned, intentional, massacre of the education system?
- Why are teachers more willing to strike now than ever before?
- Why do you bully me?
- Why does the government want to add genetic profiles to the national DNA criminal database?
- Why the Jain community want to be given minority status
- Why was Mahatma Gandhi NEVER awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
- Will British Citizens applying for OCI status lose out?
- World Environment Day
- Write to the world’s most important politicians!
- A collection of articles exploring Jain rituals that are performed when someone dies
- According to the Jain faith why should we walk around the coffin?
- According to the Jain faith, how should the body of the deceased be removed from the home?
- According to the Jain faith, what happens to the cloth that is under the coffin?
- According to the Jain faith, which way should the body of the deceased face when it is brought home?
- According to the Jain faith, why are incense sticks placed in the coffin?
- According to the Jain faith, why do we cremate the deceased?
- According to the Jain faith, why do we need to bathe after touching a dead body?
- According to the Jain faith, why should funerals only be attended by males?
- An event all about spirituality – ladies only
- Are pizzas without cheese always vegan?
- Are you or do you want to become Jain or vegan?
- Bhavanas. What should they be? Why do they exist in Jainism?
- Bombay
- Children exploring the idea of the Aatma
- Christmas
- Competition for young Jains – Art in Heaven
- Death and rituals in Jainism.
- Do joss/incense sticks produce something similar to ‘cigarette fumes’?
- Easy to understand Jain calendar
- Eggs! Why don’t some vegetarians & vegans eat them?
- Event – English Pratikraman on Saturday August 30th
- Event – Open day at Hugletts Wood Farm
- Event – Pratikraman in English
- Event – Young Jains and Shri Chandana Vidyapeeth explain why Jains celebrate Diwali.
- Event ~ Faith in the planet
- Events – Lectures and Pratikramans during Paryushana
- Events – Paryushan at Navnat Centre
- Events – Paryushan with Mahavir Founation
- Find out about the first Jain text book for children
- Find out how the Gandhi Foundation is commemorating the 60th anniversary of Gandhiji’s untimely demise
- How you can help Leicester City Council erect a statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Leicester.
- Is it really possible to eat pure Jain food for 8 days? No root vegetables at all?
- Is it time for Jains to give leather the boot?
- It’s all about cheese cheese and more cheese.
- Jainism – does it matter what the statistics say?
- Khwaja Mere Khwajaa
- Learn Gujarati on line and more….
- Menstrual cycles and religion
- My wedding day. Did it all go to plan in the end?
- My wedding day. Why there were less than 15 guests in total.
- National Census to take place on 27th March 2011
- Navkar Mantra
- Our family trip to India
- Our reaction to ISIS
- Palitana Donkey Relief Project
- Paryushana is here. What can we give up for the 8 days?
- Raksha, protection, charms, hamsa, hand of Miriam, hand of Fatima. What’s it all about?
- Rang de Basanti
- Read this if you THINK you’re vegetarian or Jain or both….
- Recycling – should anyone be exempt from doing it?
- Research Project on young members of the Jain community in the UK and USA. Are you interested?
- Seema views on racism, homophobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia
- Singles events organised for those interested in spirituality
- Something to think about re those who are closest to us…
- Sudir Shah explains how Jainism is a self help religion.
- Sudir Shah explains what Jainism refers to as our inner enemies. The Kashay.
- Sudir Shah shares some of the unique teachings of Jainism.
- Sudir Shah talks about how to practice the Jain Philosophy
- Sudir Shah talks about the Nav Tattva – the Nine Reals.
- Sudir Shah talks about what Karma is according to Jainism
- The disrobing of Draupadi
- The first Jain Radio Channel on the Internet. JINVANI
- The importance of Dipavalee (Diwali) in Jainism
- The Significance of Paryushana Mahaparva by Samanai Prasanna Pragya
- The Unwinking Gaze ~ launched on the 29th March.
- Vegetarianism discussed in numerous scriptures
- Vegetarianism in Hinduism
- What does Anitya mean according to Jainism?
- What does Anyatva mean according to Jainism?
- What does Asharan or Asarana according to Jainism?
- What does Ashrav or Asrava mean according to Jainism?
- What does Ashucht, Asuci or Ashuchi mean according to Jainism?
- What does Jainism, Divali and Boomerangs have in common?
- What does Karuna mean according to Jainism?
- What does Lokaswarup or Loka mean according to Jainism?
- What does Maitri Bhavana mean according to Jainism?
- What does Nirjara mean according to Jainism?
- What does Pramod Bhavana mean according to Jainism?
- What does Samvar or Samvara according to Jainism?
- What does sansaar, sansar or samsara mean according to the Jain faith?
- What is Ekatva according to Jainism?
- What is Kalpa Sutra and why do Jains read it?
- What is Paryushana – Parva
- What’s the big deal about the treatment of cows? Why become vegan?
- Why do Jains say Michchhami Dukkadam
- Why do Jains say Michchhami Dukkadam and when do they say it?
- Why do we donate money?
- Why is Diwali celebrated by Sikhs, Hindus and Jains?
- Why the Jain community want to be given minority status
- Why was Mahatma Gandhi NEVER awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?