Something really easy to do. Unfortunately, it doesn’t apply to most of the mail that comes through your letterbox! For those enveloped that have a ‘real’ stamp on them, as opposed to a fran, can you tear them off and send them to one of the addresses below? There are other charities who raise money from used stamps so feel free to research it and send your stamps to them if you do not wish to support those given below. 🙂
The details for charities that collect used stamps are: ~
The Royal National Institute for the Blind collect stamps
“¢ Please leave approximately 1cm of envelope bordering each stamp. The rest of the envelope can be discarded (which will make it cheaper to send).
“¢ Please separate the stamps into:
1) British
2) Overseas
“¢ The value of a stamp does not matter, so 1p stamps can be grouped together with £1 stamps.
Collected stamps should be sent to:
RNIB Stamp Recycling
PO Box 185
Click here for more info
Help the aged also collect stamps
They no longer accept stamps for fund-raising.
Multiple Sclerosis Society
Used Stamp Guidelines:
“¢ Trim stamps leaving 1/4” border around the perforations.
“¢ If using a box, place stamps in carrier bag first. This makes it easier to weigh them.
“¢ Bank coin bags damage stamps and are fiddly to open.
“¢ Stamps covered in sellotape or cancelled by pen are not collectable.
“¢ Do not forget to put a slip with your name, address and phone number in with the stamps. This will be shredded later, if not needed.
When transporting large amounts, please use the following procedure:
“¢ Put stamps in plastic carrier bags with the handles tied across.
“¢ Place 6-8 full bags into a post office mail sack, usually available at local post offices.
“¢ Include your details in the mail sack
“¢ Tie the neck of the mail sack with an addressed tie-on luggage label.
“¢ Send via Parcel Force, cost is about £12.50 for 20Kg (44lbs).
Please note:
“¢ Postage surcharges will be refused.
“¢ Close trimming is rendering several thousand stamps a month unsaleable.
Please click here for an address to send all used stamps to.
Guide DogsÂ
Ken Weinling lives in the London Borough of Hillingdon with his family. His guide dog, Terry has just retired so he is waiting for a new dog.
For many years he has worked hard to raise funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind, as well as running a local support group. Apart from all that, he likes to support local good causes. He does so by giving talks about life with his guide dog Terry and through fundraising with his friends. So please send used stamps to help those who need a guide dog.
Send stamps to: –
Ken Weinling
68 Southbourne Gardens
Arun · November 15, 2010 at 3:54 pm
We are from a primary school._
We collect stamps amd makes albums for our students._
We give info to students with sender’s name & address._
This is our special project to collect stamps from various countries for our school._
Seeking donations of worldwide and U.S. stamps, albums, stockbooks, stock pages, and other stamp collecting supplies.
These will be used for a stamp program for children ages 6 to 12.
We don’t use stamps for comercial purpose._
please send me used 100/200 stamps.
Dont forget to send your signed photograph with stamps._
My address is._
Arun Shrinivas Nagargoje_
A/P Kada_
Tal Ashti_
Dist Beed_
INDIA 414202
anne · January 4, 2011 at 8:05 pm
A friend, who collects used stamps for the RNLI also started this website with more links to charities in the Uk who can make very good use of any used postage stamps that you are able to donate.
Charities not listed can also contact this site to be listed.
And the details for sending used stamps for the RNLI are
Used Stamps/ RNLI
care of:
7 Speddwell
Heena Modi · January 12, 2011 at 4:53 pm
Thanks for this
Much appreciated! 🙂
Pat Edmonds · April 18, 2011 at 11:38 am
We sent a package of stamps to:
Stamp Appeal, Help the Aged, EMF House, 12 Charlotte Street, Manchester M1 4HP on 12th April – the package has been returned to us today marked ‘addressee gone away’
Can you throw any light on this.
Many thanks
Pat Edmonds
Office Manager
Heena Modi · April 20, 2011 at 9:57 am
Hi ya Pat,
I’m so sorry I have no idea. I’ve just written to Age Concern to ask them. I’ll let you know once I know something. 🙂
Heena Modi · April 20, 2011 at 11:08 am
Here’s what I received just now: –
Dear Mrs Modi
Thank you for your email. I’m afraid we no longer have the facility to recycle stamps.
Yours sincerely
Kirsty Bartle
Customer Relations Adviser
T. 0800 169 8787
Age UK, Linhay House, Linhay Business Park ASHBURTON, Devon, TQ13 7UP
Heena Modi · October 24, 2011 at 8:10 am
Pat if you’re interested I’ve added another organisation that collects used stamps as a fundraiser for supporting those who need guard dogs. Please have a look at the post. 🙂
Jake Lomas · November 12, 2011 at 7:46 pm
I Save my stamps for PDSA For animals who are in need of a hospital! there address is:
PDSA Stamp Appeal,
P.O. Box 9191,
Wishaw, Lanarkshire,
Or have a look here:!
Heena Modi · November 14, 2011 at 10:53 am
Thanks Jake. 🙂
Carers Centre · November 30, 2011 at 10:03 pm
‘Carers Centre Hull’ is collecting used stamps to raise further funds so please send us your stamps. We can raise money from both British and overseas stamps. It doesn’t matter if they have already been used, or if they are everyday first or second class stamps.
When you are next coming into Hull please pop them into the Centre or alternatively send them via mail to:
Carers’ Centre Hull
Unit 5, The Shirethorn Centre
37-42 Prospect Street
Thank you.
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