I’ve been part of or present during many conversations about why others should have children. Here are some of the reasons I’ve heard. Do any of these convince you?
- To love them.
- To continue the family name.
- Because it’s your duty.
- For inheritance purposes.
- So you have someone to look after you.
- So that you don’t feel lonely.
- Because it’s the done thing.
- To keep the relationship together.
- To make them what you couldn’t become.
- To create a man who’s better than your partner.
- To prove others wrong.
- To show ‘them’ how to raise kids.
- To do what my parents couldn’t/didn’t.
- Because it’s Gods will.
- It’s the outcome of not using birth control.
- To provide those who can’t have their ‘own’ children with a child.
- Because it’s ‘wrong’ to abort a child once it has been created.
Please do share the reasons that have you heard, which aren’t listed above.