Teacher ROAR asked teachers to share what they were doing during the Half Term.
What a great way to show the public the ‘invisible’ work we do. 🙂
The content shown below was on Twitter.
Twitter restricts Tweets to 140 characters so Tweeters have written in a way which saves characters.
I’ve edited the Tweets to make them easier for you to read, seeing as there’s no restriction here! 🙂
Here are some of the Tweets that were sent in:-
1. Can I mark these by 10:30 then do 29 reports? #halfterm #holiday #marking #teaching #work #lazyteachers
2. This lazy teacher is writing end of year reports – we were informed about these last Thursday and they’re due in next Tuesday.3. Marking Year 8 RE assessments
4. SATs analysis – a huge task.
3. Lots of marking.
Tomorrow – I’m meeting with teachers to write and organise a class assembly.5. Making resources for tomorrow’s revision day in school – English GCSE next Tuesday.
6. My wife is on her forth full day of writing reports.
She still has planning and SENCO work still to do.7. Marking Year 2 SATS! Terrible lot aren’t we?
8. Another relaxing half term… lazyteacher
9. Spent yesterday planning for revision days.
I still have marking and preparation to do but it’s my last ever half term as a #lazyteacher 🙂10. Marking set number four of 16 sets of books, updating seating plans and making revision resources #lazyteachers #alwaysonholiday
11. Today: reports, marking and planning for a new after school club which will begin next week plus keeping my own children amused #lazyteachers
12. I went in yesterday and did three hours.
Shame it’s not double time!
Off to start reports today. #longholidays13. I am going in to work to start the 150 ish reports that I have to hand in, proof read next Monday #lazyteachers
14. I’m in France until tomorrow but the Literacy books are with me.
When I return home I will be writing reports!15. Sunday: topic planning.
Yesterday, guilt for doing nothing.
Today is APP maths and writing to justify my assessments.
This work is not specific to the Half Term, which has just gone. (in May)
Teachers have different tasks to do during all of the holidays.
Here’s a list that shows you some of the tasks we do during the ‘breaks’
- planning
- preparing
- marking
- writing reports
- choosing the work to put on display which would need to be photocopied, cut, mounted and labelled on the board which has the old backing paper removed, new paper put up, a frame added to it; after which the title etc. is added – non teaching staff are supposed to do this but what if you don’t have any or what if they’re only timetabled to work with children, as opposed to, doing tasks like this?
- writing policies
- planning trips
- organising the classroom itself
- risk assessments
- assessment in the form of levels
- setting
- seating plans
- liaising with parents
- understanding changes to the curriculum
- getting to grips with new policies
- Writing, amending or evaluating IEPs
- Writing, amending or evaluating Behaviour Support Plans
- Creating resources
- Ensuring each child has all the books and folders they need
- Ensuring there is a labelled tray and peg for each child
So it may seem like teachers work short days because we are with the children from 8:45 a.m. – 3:25 p.m. but our days are far from short!
Of course, we’re not with them during the lunch hour. However, it is during the lunch ‘hour’ that we eat quickly and then set up for the afternoon or meet children who haven’t done their homework etc.
SO…getting back to the ‘short’ day; it is before the children arrive, that we come in to school and mark, get the classroom ready for the day, write the date, WALT, TIB and WILF on the board etc. It is after they leave that we mark, prepare, tidy up, make calls if a child’s parent/guardian needs to be informed about something and more.
Everything that we can’t fit in before and after teaching up to 34 children, possibly without a Learning Assistant, is done during the evening, weekends and holidays.