Hi! This was sent to me by a freecycler. A great way to de-clutter and pass on information.
Hi All
I heard about this free directory enquiries phone number recently and thought i’d pass
the information on. The number is 0800 100 100. I haven’t used it yet so don’t know
if it’s any good.Regards
By the way I’ve tried it and it’s a good service. They answer quickly. 🙂
I have researched this service since writing this post and found out some more useful information from Money Saving Expert. Have a look!
Most Directory Enquiry services rely on similar number databases, which is why when one makes a mistake, it’s often repeated with others. Therefore the real deciding factors are the speed, ease of use, service and of course price. Two mainstream providers allow you to call for free from home.
How do they do this? The model is quite simple; as part of the call you’ll need to listen to an advert, which usually lasts about 20-30 seconds and this subsidises the cost.
* Freedirectoryenquries, 0800 100 100
Pros: A real person answers, no registration needed. Cons: Accuracy issues, only one enquiry allowed.
If it knows the number, this is a quick service, with the ad only lasting 20 seconds. Better still the advert is only played after it’s confirmed it knows the number; so if not you can ring off. It’s also an easy number to remember.
The business model behind this is interesting. To make it viable, the advert you’re played will tend to relate to what number you’re asking for and also allows you to connect through, for free, to the advertiser. e.g., if you ask for the National Rail Enquiries number, the advert is for Eurostar.
* The Number, 0800 118 3733
Pros: More than one number request. Cons: Advert played immediately, automated system.
Technically to use this service for free you must first register online on 118.com, so it can add you to its advertising database, though it often works without. You then listen to an advert immediately and answer automated questions to ask your enquiry. Rather annoyingly it always asks for an ‘address’ which can be a little confusing; and only later, if it can’t find the details comes back and asks for an area.
This means it tends to take a longer time than other services; though the voice recognition system is reasonably accurate.
* Free Enquiries service for those with disabilities
There’s a special 195 Directory Enquiries number available, without adverts, for those for whom using a phonebook may be difficult e.g. if you have memory loss, ME or a physical disability. Complete a form and get it countersigned by your GP or another professional familiar with your disability then call 195 from any phone (landline or mobile) for more info. Text phone users can call 0800 838 363
It’s worth noting the services are not free from mobiles; see the free directory enquires from mobiles section for more.