Taare Zameen Par is a Hindi film. It was directed and produced by Aamir Khan. So what I hear you ask? Well, I would probably have said the same. I don’t watch many Hindi films unless they are ‘different’ i.e. not the typical love story focusing on heartbreak, issues with in laws etc.

This film is one of those that I would love to buy and share with as many people as possible. It’s inspirational, honest, enables reflection and realistically hopeful.

I am a teacher but before that I was just Heena. A student, a child, a learner, an earner (Saturday job). When I was growing up I was often very concerned about the way children and adults with special needs were misrepresented and misunderstood!

I had witnessed someone ‘different’ get on the bus and people move away from them or mock them, whilst others witnessed it or joined in.

This film goes a long way in terms of changing the perception of these ‘different, difficult, abnormal’ members of society.

It’s not such a big deal now as there’s more awareness about dyslexia. However, in this film, the child with special needs has dyslexia. He is misunderstood by everyone until one teacher makes all the difference!

Suraj has written: –

This movie highlighted the lack of support many children get from their parents. Children are so often afraid of just being themselves. They feel that they have to consistently live up to their parents’ expectations of how they should act, the aspirations they should hold, and who they should be.

For those of you who do not understand Hindi I am sure the DVD will have the option of turning subtitles on so please don’t let that stop you watching it?

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Hema Bedasie · June 9, 2009 at 11:40 pm

I loved this movie Heena! It was really touching. I was literally moved to tears.

Not all children learn the conentional way. Some are not gifted academically but they turn out to be talented in so many other areas, such as music or art, or even repairing and building things with their hands etc. I remember that when I was little, teachers would sometimes hit children with a ruler on their hands for performing poorly in class. Now I know that such children could very well have been gifted differently. Imagine how those beatings would have impacted on their self esteem at the time!

    Heena Modi · June 10, 2009 at 10:35 pm

    I know it’s a real shame!
    I guess we’ve evolved now and have a better understanding of the range of abilities that children can and do have. Let’s hope that the general public share this understanding and are compassionate and accepting with it.

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