No lie! Charcoal really does make water taste better!
After using charcoal sticks for over 2 years, find out what I love about filtering my tap water with it.
After using charcoal sticks for over 2 years, find out what I love about filtering my tap water with it.
Videos I get excited when I find out about new vegan products and I want to share them as many people as possible. So, where possible, I review them on video. I also admire the innovative businesses that supply vegan products. I enjoy recording interviews with the owners and staff, to Read more…
We’ve just enjoyed a Bank Holiday weekend and those who enjoy the heat, probably felt blessed with good weather. Suraj (hubby) and I went to Grantham for the weekend. Thanks to the internet, Suraj found one place that specifically lists vegan options on their menu. We had a light lunch Read more…
Suraj and I have been to The New Forest thrice now. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it justice in this post but I’ll try. So what can I tell you? Well…Suraj discovered it by searching for accommodation that caters for those following a vegan diet. He arranged the accommodation, some Read more…
Suraj and I went to Brighton for a couple of days. The weather was warm. The streets were full of surprising shops with funky things for sale. BUT best of all, the food was delicious! We were spoilt for choice when it came to vegan dishes. For example, we could Read more…
I’ve thought about this post for a while now. I thought about creating one detailed post but it’d be very long! I thought about how I could create a series of posts and make it easy to follow; describing the whole experience that we had in stages, rather than, one Read more…
So we got married as you can see from the photos below. 🙂 After that I had NO idea what was going to happen! So we got married and then we moved in together over the 23rd and 24th of December. On Christmas Day we spent time with my gran, mum, two Read more…