Here’s some info I got from the 100 Black Men of London newsletter. Does it apply to you? Do you want to tell your story?
Did you come from the Caribbean to rejoin your parents in the UK as a child? Then the Thomas Coram Research Unit are particularly interested in hearing your story, because like you, many adults living in Britain today have experienced this form of family migration in childhood. They moved from societies where it is common for children to live for some time with relatives other than their birth parents, to one where this is less common and sometimes considered undesirable. Very little is known about how this experience has influenced the way these individuals think about themselves over time.
A project at the TCRU is researching the impact of serial migration. It involves interviewing adults and audio recording their stories. If you take part in the study your name and anything which might identify you will be kept strictly confidential. If you are interested in contributing to this research, please email or phone Ann Phoenix at, 0207 612 5395, or Elaine Bauer at 0207 612 6936, or Pui Sin at, 0207 790 6957. They look forward to hearing from you.
Caribbean Serial Migration is part of the Transforming Experiences: Re-conceptualising identities and ‘non- normative’ childhoods research project, funded by the Economic and Social Science Research Council, and being conducted at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.