Taken from Green Events
Date: Saturday 06 Sep 2008 to Sunday 07 Sep 2008
Time: 12.00pm onwards
Description: Open day at Sunseed Desert Technology, with an emphasis on food and sustainability. Visitors will have a tour of the site, complete with extensive organic gardens, solar panels, pumping water from the river to the taps, compost toilets, the hay box (an insulated cupboard!), solar water heaters and solar cookers. Then will try their hand at traditional breadmaking, foraging and gardening. There will be delicious vegetarian food, and visitors are encouraged to spend the night and watch videos on food and the future in our yurt. There will be activities for children, and translation in English and Spanish. Donations for food and accommodation very much appreciated.
Venue: Sunseed Desert Technology
Contacts: Lindsay Whalen, Sunseed Desert Technology, Apdo 9, 04270 Sorbas, Almeria, Spain. 0034 950 52 57 70.
E-mail: sunseedspain@arrakis.es
Web Address: www.sunseed.org.uk