This has been taken from the website called Not Milk. I have broken the letter up as it’s quite long and very rich in terms of what we need to know. Small doses may help in terms of taking it in. Thus I’m going to produce a series of posts based on this letter. Watch this space 🙂

Low fat

One additional topic: the matter of “low fat” milk. A common and sincere question is: “Well, low fat milk is OK, isn’t it?”

The answer to this question is that low fat milk isn’t low fat. The term “low fat” is a marketing term used to gull the public. Low fat milk contains from 24 to 33% fat as calories! The 2% figure is also misleading. This refers to weight. They don’t tell you that, by weight, the milk is 87% water!

“Well, then, kill-joy surely you must approve of non-fat milk!” I hear this quite a bit. (Another constant concern is: “What do you put on your cereal?”) True, there is little or no fat, but now you have a relative overburden of protein and lactose. It there is something that we do not need more of it is another simple sugar-lactose, composed of galactose and glucose. Millions of Americans are lactose intolerant to boot, as noted. As for protein, as stated earlier, we live in a society that routinely ingests far more protein than we need. It is a burden for our bodies, especially the kidneys, and a prominent cause of osteoporosis. Concerning the dry cereal issue, I would suggest soy milk, rice milk or almond milk as a healthy substitute. If you’re still concerned about calcium, “Westsoy” is formulated to have the same calcium concentration as milk.

Read more about this in future blog posts. They wont have huge gaps between them so it wont be long. If you don’t want to keep checking this website, sign up here and receive notifications about new posts.

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