Hey guys. My friend was telling me about the fact that he was going away and didn’t know what to take. I stumbled upon this website and found a section helping travellers prepare for when they are away. It’s pretty good! What do you think?

* think about what you are doing at all times and trust your instincts – don’t take risks that you wouldn’t at home!

* don’t openly display valuables such as mobile phones or digital cameras and consider using a padlock on suitcases or backpacks

* find out about local customs and dress, behave accordingly and obey local laws -there may be serious penalties for breaking a law that might seem trivial at home

* be careful when taking photographs, videos or using binoculars. Such activities may be misunderstood, especially near military installations

* consider taking your mobile with you or renting one whilst you’re away. Store useful numbers such as the local police and the nearest embassy or consulate

* check with your service provider to make sure your phone works abroad

* check whether it’s safe to drink local tap water- if not, stick to bottled water and avoid salads, non-peeling fruit and ice in drinks

* use your judgement when buying and eating food you’ve not prepared yourself

* respect the environment – don’t buy wildlife souvenirs, conserve resources like water and don’t drop litter

* check import regulations for food and plants with Defra before you attempt to bring them back to the UK


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1 Comment

Heena Modi · July 18, 2010 at 11:07 pm

We went away over the last few days and forgot to do something! It’s not on this check list 🙁
We forgot to turn the alarm on our phone off.
It must have been going off every 10 mins over 3 days
Not ideal is it?

So the moral of the story is turn all ‘wake up’ alarms off when you go 🙂

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