I received this message from my friend. Are you interested in learning how to cook vegetarian food? Do you want to teach others? Would you like to educate children about it?
If anyone is interested to learn about giving talks about vegetarian food or give cookery demonstrations in school you may be interested in these two workshops.
They are scheduled for Sat 19th July and Sat 30th August
They are run by Animal Aid
They will be in London.
The workshops are free to attend, but prior booking is required.
There is no obligation to join the school speaker network if you attend the workshop, so if you’re not sure yet but are interested to learn about what’s involved, then you’ve nothing to lose by attending and
everything to gain 🙂
The 19th July workshop focuses on giving a cookery demo to school children (mainly secondary school age), while the 30th August workshop is training for giving talks to kids of secondary school age (10-16 years of age).
Note, if you’re interested in giving talks to primary school, please contact Animal Aid to find out more. If I (or anyone else on Jain Vegans) receive any information on the next primary school workshops, then it’ll be forwarded to the group.
So, for further information about the above workshops or about primary school speaking, please contact:
Ann Harriman (Education Officer at Animal Aid),
email: ann@animalaid.co.uk
If you wish to phone, Animal Aid’s contact details can be found on their website www.animalaid.org.uk
Best wishes,
A bit of humour 🙂

Heena Modi · November 18, 2008 at 8:24 pm
Here’s some info re staying well whilst following a veggie/vegan diet: –
This is a summary of what was said at London Vegan’s meeting. The following info has been provided by Mahersh: –
There were some very important messages:
– the importance of receiving a good intake of Omega-3 to reduce one’s
“Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio” from around 10/15-to-1 to around 4-to-1 or less. The speaker suggests freshly ground flax seeds are one of the best plant sources, and we should eat some daily.
– importance of receiving an adequate intake of vitamin B12, and why B12 is so important.
– plus other important point, all based on studies carried out over long periods of time on the health of people eating a vegetarian/vegan diet.
If you’d like to listen to the talk, it is the available at this link: http://www.drgreger.org/talks/
The title of the talk we listened to was “Optimal Vegetarian Nutrition” but there are four others there too.
Best wishes,
Mahersh Shah · October 16, 2009 at 7:44 pm
Further to the previous post about Animal Aid’s school speaker service (through which you can give talks, with audio-visual aids, to secondary school children about vegetarianism/veganism and related issues), Animal Aid is providing a similar service tailored for primary school children. The aim at primary-school age is to develop a sense of empathy for animals, and a consciousness about how amazing animals are, that they can feel pain, pleasure etc.
The next primary school training workshop is taking place in London on 31st October. To book your place (without any obligation to become a school speaker), please contact Animal Aid’s education department. Full details can be found at this link:
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