I was reading a magazine called Harrow People today. In it there’s an article focused on making sure those who are cared for are not left in the lurch if there carer has some sort of emergency. Here are the details: –

Carers Emergency Support Service (CESS)

Harrow Council has set up an emergency support service to support carers in the event of an emergency to give carers peace of mind.

The Carers Emergency Support Service (CESS) will provide short-term home based emergency cover to provide support in crisis or emergency situations. The service is to provide reassurance and confidence for the carer, that should anything happen to them to prevent them providing care at very short notice, then arrangements have been made to provide alternative care, wherever possible in the cared for person’s normal home to cover the period or to provide sufficient time to make alternative arrangements.

Emergency respite is free to those carers providing substantial and regular care.

What constitutes an emergency is to be determined locally, some examples given in the Department of Health guidance are:

  • Carer’s admission to hospital or other health needs which preclude him or her from continuing to provide care
  • Family emergency such as a close relative being take ill and requiring help/attention
  • Real risk to the carer’s employment on a particular occasion
  • Funeral of a close friend or relative

We will be asking carers who provide substantial and regular care to complete an Emergency Plan for themselves, setting out what they would like to see happen in an emergency.

Carers will be sent an emergency card, which gives the number of the 24 hour call centre and a unique number for the carer.

This number should be used in the event of an emergency to contact the CESS call centre. The call centre will then activate the contingencies that have been registered on the emergency plan.

If you would like further information about the CESS and how you can register for the service please download and complete the carers emergency support plan and return it to us.

Contact us at

Carers Emergency Support Service (CESS)
Harrow Council
Second Floor, East Wing
Civic 1
Civic Centre
Station Road

Click here for the CESS information leaflet

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